Open-Source, Free and Full of Bugs Features


This game is about defending your garden against attacking snails. The snails try to eat up the lettuce in the center of the garden. You play the gardener who wants to prevent this as long as possible. For that, you can utilize skills to damage or delay the snails.

The Skills

Every skill can be activated by clicking the icon at the left hand side or by pressing the respective shortcut. Every skill needs some time to recharge.

Salt Shaker

The salt shaker is used to pour salt onto the snails. This deals damage to all snails that are hit. The shortcut 'Q' activates the salt shaker.


Stepping onto the snails using the boot instantly kills them. Use 'W' as shortcut.

Magnifying Glass

The magnifying glass is used to bundle sun rays and burn the snails. After clicking the icon or pressing the shortcut 'E' the magnifying glass is activated immediately. Use the mouse cursor to aim at the snails and deal damage.


Sand can be used to delay the snails. 'A' or clicking the sand icon places a pile of sand on the ground. All snails moving through the sand are slowed down.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum even stops a snail completely. It is placed on the ground and affects the first snail to touch it. Use 'S' as shortcut to place the chewing gum.

The Garden Hose

As a last resort, the garden hose floods the whole garden washing away all the snails. The salt shaker damages all snails it hits. Stepping on the snails kills them. Sand and chewing gum can be used to delay the snails. While sand slows down all snails going through it, the chewing gum only affects the first snail to encounter it. The magnifier is used to bundle the sun rays to burn snails. It is activated immediately and the user then aims at the snails with a light ray. The garden hose can be used as a last resort. It floods the whole garden and washes the snails away.

In-Game Shortcuts

The shortcuts for the skills are displayed in-game.
You can rotate the map by dragging the mouse while holding down the right mouse button.


  • Game Developer
    • Kristof Komlossy
    • Joshua Reibert
  • Support
    • Jasmin Odenwald (provided the set of tiles for the maps)